Qlikview For Mac

FYI, there is no QlikView desktop version for Mac pc. Only one way to use QlikView desktop is 'Parallels Desktop'. Regards, Sokkorn. 295 Views 1 Like Reply. System Requirements for QlikView Server This section lists the requirements that must be fulfilled by the target system in order to successfully install and run QlikView Server. License activations request access to the Qlik Licensing Service. Open port 443 and allow outbound calls to license.qlikcloud.com. Supported browsers. Qlik Sense is designed to work on the platform and web browser combinations described in this section, using default browser settings. Each Qlik Sense release is tested for compatibility with the latest publicly available browser versions. Due to the frequency of browser version updates, Qlik does not include specific browser version numbers in the system requirements.

  1. Qlikview For Mac
  2. Qlikview For Mac Versions

What is QlikView?

QlikViewis one of the best BI tools, according to the Gartner Magic Quadrant (a seriesof surveys published by Gartner). We can understand the role of QlikView inBusiness Intelligence, Qlikview helps to collect data from various data sourcesand analyze reports created with the functions of Qlikview. The best thingabout this tool is that it provides a memory storage function that makes datacollection, integration, and processing very fast.

Reportsare generated using the tool, and the relationship between the data isautomatically derived from the QlikView software. Subsequently, an importantdecision is made to favor the business by analyzing the management of thecompany. However, QlikView is a data collection tool that facilitates thecreation of dynamic data analysis applications.

QlikViewis a type of business discovery platform like MicroStrategy that provides BI(Business Intelligence) self-service for all business users in organizations.With QlikView, it is possible to analyze the data and use the results of thedata to support the decision-making process. QlikView allows you to ask andanswer your questions and follow your paths in-depth and allows you and yourcolleagues to make collaborative decisions.

Atthe heart of QlikView, there is a patented software engine that is own by itsown, which generates new data views on the fly. QlikView compresses the dataand saves it in memory, where it is available for immediate scanning of multipleusers. For data sets too large to fit the memory, QlikView connects directly tothe data source. QlikView offers an associative experience in all data used foranalysis, regardless of where it is stored. You can start from wherever youwant and go anywhere, and the best factor is that they are not limited topredefined drilling paths or preconfigured panels.

What is Business Intelligence Tools?

Allthe Business Intelligence tools are Design to provide services from the fourmain processes in BI. These four processes are integration, data collection,analysis, and data visualization — most of the latest Business Intelligencetools design to provide all of these functions.

QlikViewin a look

Whileanalyzing your data with QlikView,it is easy to perform tough tasks like spotting connections and make insights,and even when you are working with large and complex data sets.

Youcan combine information from various sources and easily make the informationaccessible in your network, ensuring that the right information reaches theright person. The associative data processing technology based on QlikViewallows you to create a unique framework for interactive knowledge presentationand analysis.

Itprocesses information in such a manner that just similar to the way the humanbrain works. Like the human brain, in data processing, it slowly makesassociative associations. You don’t need to determine what questions to ask.Only click on the product about which you want to know more.

Standardinformation search systems often require a top-down approach, while QlikViewallows you to get started with any piece of data regardless of its location inthe data structure

Recoveringdata in traditional systems is usually a complicated task that requires anextensive understanding of the structure of the databases and the syntaxes ofthe query language. The user is frequently limited to predefined searchroutines. QlikView revolutionizes this by making it possible to select freelyfrom data displayed on the screen with a click of the mouse.

History of QlikView

QlikViewis a tool developed by Qlik Tech. Before 1996 QlikView recognized as”Quick view, “where the term “quick “means quality,Understanding, Interaction, and Knowledge.

Itwas founded in 1993 in Sweden, and its headquarter is in Philadelphia; however,it’s RnD division is still in Sweden.

Inthe present QlikView, offices have worldwide presence with the number of 1400Employees, and it has the customer base of 28000 in 100 countries

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Inits management team, there are many well-known names of the BI Developmentindustry and served companies like Oracle, Siebel, and SAP, etc.

Quickviewis NOT a Business Intelligence tool but a business discovery tool. It maintainsthis distinction from other BI tools because of its flexibility. It is patentedin-memory associative processing capability and because of its powercollaboration and so many other cool features that we’ll discuss further.

Qlikviewacts like a human brain. The human brain works on association and can go intoany direction to search the answer. Now the essential point to keep in mind isthat it goes into any course to search for the answer, and because of this kindcapability, it doesn’t follow a predefined pattern to search for the answer,like Business Intelligence Tools.

How QlikView is different from other BI tools?

Aninteresting thing to keep in mind is that QlikView is not a standard BI tool.The reason is that it is primarily a data collection tool and, therefore, hassome distinct characteristics. Now you have to wonder what exactly datadiscovery is. Data Discovery is a user-driven search for models and trends in datasets.

Helpusers understand and see these patterns by providing visual aids such asgraphs, tables, maps, etc. QlikView is unique in its flexibility of operation,features in memory, and collaborative help.


Supposeyou have to access an employee’s dashboard. In these kinds of cases,traditional Business Intelligence tools will first search for the regions, thecountry. Then it searches the department, and after performing all these steps,You may get to that targeted employee’s dashboard. On the other hand, inQlikView, you don’t have to perform all these steps. The required (or targeted) employee can be directly searched. All these categories are independent ofeach other and cross-search. The flexibility of the tool is because of this reason.

How to Download QlikView

  1. Go to the official website of QlikView throughthis link:-
  • Then go to the Products as shown in the image given below and click on theQlikView Personal Edition.
  • You should be directed on this page, as shownbelow.
  • Now Click on the FREE DOWNLOAD.
  • After that, you have to fill up a form, asshown in below.
  • Whenyou are done with this form, click on the SEND FORM, and you are directed to thedownload page, as shown below.
  • Check the UserLicence Agreement, then click on the download.

How to install QlikView

Once the Downloading completed, Follow these steps to installthe QlikView.

1. Doubleclick on the downloaded file and installation will start as shown below

2. After choosing your language, then click onthe OK Button

  • Afterward, then click on NEXT, as shown in thegiven image below.
  • Now click on the User License Agreement and click on the NEXT button, as shown in the image.
  • Now enter the user name and click on the Next Button.
  • Now it will ask you to to choose the directoryor left the default.
  • Then click the NEXT button again, and it willask you to choose an option among the following options, as shown in the givenimage, choose the option which fits in your requirements.
  • Now click on NEXT Button; after clicking on the Next Button, it Finally asked you to INSTALL, so, withoutwasting time, click on the INSTALLoption as shown below.
  • It willtake a couple of minutes to install, so just wait…
  1. Finally, it will ask you to FINISH theinstallation, so without wasting time, click on the FINISH option.

Components of QlikView

  1. Dashboard- It is a development platform to create reports.
  2. QlikView Server (QVS)- Actsas an interface between a client and the QlikView apps or backend system.
  3. QlikView Developer (QVD)- AWindows-based desktop tool.
  4. QlikView Publisher (QVP)- Responsiblefor data loading and distribution.
  5. Management Console- Centrallymanages all aspects of the QlikView’s Environment. It has a web-basedinterface.

QlikView Architecture

QlikView’sarchitecture can be segregated (or categorized) in three components for betterunderstanding:

  • Front End

Thefront end of the presentation component is a browser-based platform in whichapplications are used to view documents sent by the editor and backend server.QlikView Server (QVS) acts as a mediator and manages the communication betweenthe client and the backend system. Whenever a client requests a QlikViewdocument (via the HTTP or QVP protocol), the server sends QlikView documents in.qvw format. The QVS is also responsible for customer safety. Keygen cs5 for mac.

· Back End

Theapplication platform or backend has a QlikView developer where all Qlikviewdocuments are created. Therefore, it has all the source documents. The formatof documents with GUI support that are visible on the interface is .qvw orwithout GUI is .qvd (data-only file). All these documents go to the interfaceusing QVP through the QlikView server. QlikView Publisher is responsible forloading data from all types of sources and distributing .qvw files usingQlikView servers. Here, the Windows file system is responsible for allpermissions and access permissions from different data sources.

· InfrastructureResource

Thisis the fundamental level of QlikView architecture because it is the data accesspoint. Data sources such as Microsoft Excel, Word, SAP, Oracle, Twitter,Facebook, and many other databases. This is in direct synchronization with thebackground system.

QlikView Features

1. Powerful& Global Data Discovery

The ability to collect dataefficiently is one of the powerful features of QlikView. QlikView performs anatural search through all available information. By natural research, we meanthat the data search process does not follow predefined rules or schemes. Userscan create applications and panels based on their needs. With theseapplications, they can perform a quick and simple process of data collectionand analysis. QlikView allows fast, natural, and unrestricted data search andalso provides easy partnerships and collaboration with many other data sources.This QlikView feature is compatible with a patented second-generation QIXengine of the QlikView software.

2. InteractiveGuided Analysis

During the data collection process (interpretation of thecollected data), the QlikView software helps the user by suggesting possibleexplanations. The software automatically suggests the most likely businesstrends and possible business models, which ensures better decision making.Basically, all users use QlikView to extract meaningful information from theocean of data, and they don’t lose any important points to analyze orunderstand with the guided help provided by the tool. This is facilitated byinteractive panels and applications. QlikView also offers interesting visualtools such as charts, diagrams, tables, etc., to display data reports. The userhas the full authority to customize these applications and panels accordingly.

  • In-memory Technology.

Traditional Business Intelligencetools use the disk-based and query-based data storage and retrieval system,respectively. In such a data storage arrangement, the data is stored onexternal memory disks in an intermediate form (within the data warehouse incubes), and queries are sent to retrieve the requested data. This process isvery slow and tedious. While QlikView uses a new patented architecture inmemory for data storage. All data from different sources (including traditionalsources such as data stores) are loaded into the system RAM and are ready forrecovery from there. Now, if any user using QlikView on the interface wishes torecover the data, it will be executed quickly from this file in memory. Itoffers the direct discovery of large data from sources such as Teradata,Cloudera without having to load complete data. QlikView is a pioneer of memorytechnology.

4. AssociativeModel

An associative data collection modelis also exclusive to Qlikview. As we discussed in the QlikView introductorytutorial, traditional BI tools have a hierarchical approach to data search.This is not the case with Qlikview. In QlikView, all data fields areindependent of each other and, at the same time, are linked together ifrelevance is desired.

Let’s understand it with an example;let’s say we have a movie database. It has fields like the name of the film,actors, and directors. In QlikView, if you want to get all the relevantinformation from Amitabh Bachchan, for example, about which movies did you workwith, which directors did you work with? You just have to select the actor’sname (Amitabh Bachchan in this case), and you will immediately get all theinformation about him on the board. You can customize the search as desired.Since you can select the name of a movie, say “Airlift,” and in a fewseconds, all the relevant information (such as actors in the film, director,etc.) will be displayed on Airlift (in the database). Here’s how an associativemodel works in which all relevant data is automatically associated.

5. ComparativeAnalysis

It is one of the features of QlikViewthat helps in comparative analysis. It is an extension of the associativemodel. Through this, it is possible to compare different fields and data sets.Users or developers can select the sections or states of the data that can becompared. This comparison is assisted by tables, graphs, charts to understandbetter and analyze the compared data. With the help of this, one could see raretrends or exceptions in the business world. These features of Qlikview alsoprovide software efficiency by helping the user obtain useful information aboutthe data.

6. SocialData Discovery

The discovery of social data offersthe sharing of information on individual data inside or outside groups. A usercan add annotations as an addition to another person’s ideas in a particulardata report. Or you could also share data markers created by them to be seen byothers. QlikView user interactivity is improved by providing this feature, asusers can also participate in live discussion sessions to ensure awell-considered step in the direction of profit and business growth.

7. MobileData Discovery


QlikView supports mobile datadetection with an HTML 5-enabled touch function that allows the user to searchfor data and perform data capture interactively and explore other server-basedapplications. QlikView software with touch functionality is available for mobiledevices with operating systems such as Apple, Windows, and Android. Thesoftware works just like on a desktop PC or laptop. A specialized version isalso available for small devices. On iOS (iPad and iPhone), a fully compatibleversion with advanced features provides all online access permissions, as wellas the option to download and view offline.

8. AgileApplication Development

QlikView is highly efficient in IT.Unlike traditional IT tools, where developers have had difficulty coding thechanges that should be made in panels, reports, etc. The exclusive QlikViewarchitecture has integrated frontend and backend, which has made coding forcustom applications very simple without the need for professional skills. Forthis reason, the modification of different things using different products isfinished, and only a centralized code framework can manage both the frontendand the backend. Furthermore, the company does not have to invest much in ITand human resources because the development of an application has become easierin QlikView. All necessary tools and features are provided within the software.Data models can be created in 15 days, and users can also quickly train to usethem. It has proven to be a good way to save company time and resources.

Advantages ofQlikView

  1. Dynamic BI Ecosystem- It provides a dynamic Business Intelligence ecosystem for the user.
  2. Data Security-The provision of instrument data security is very strict, and the creators guarantee the security of critical business data. The total guarantee of not violating security is given to the customer.
  3. Data Interpretation & Analysis- It’s dynamic and visual dashboards and applications help in quick and efficient data interpretation and also in analyzing.
  4. Data Sharing- Different teams can collaborate to take crucial decisions on data-driven information and interpretations. This collaboration is facilitated by the social analysis and real-time data sharing capability of Qlikview.
  5. Self-Service Tool- QlikView is a self-service BI tool, as it allows the user to work skillfully on the tool without relying on the IT department and blocking their workforce. To perform Changes in the dashboard and application do not require professional skills, and any non-technical employee of a company can work without problems with Qlikview. Any non-technical employee is able to operate click view without facing any problem too.
  6. Low Maintenance-The software implementation is very simple and hassle-free. Even in recent years, the software does not need much maintenance or technical supervision.
  7. Data Visualization-QlikView offers many options for displaying interesting and colorful data representation. Analytical reports generated using different types of pie charts, charts, bar charts, etc. They help users easily separate information in their heads. Because users can assign each color to a different attribute and not be confused with overwhelming information.
  8. Cost-QlikView is very cost-effective, mostly for small scale enterprises. A free trial is also available on the official site. The hardware required for Qlikview is also in affordable ranges.

Limitations of QlikView

  1. Less RAM Limit

QlikView is capable of handlingmassive data, but the computer’s RAM sets a limit. The size of the data loaddepends on the RAM of the system. The number of fields, cells, tables, and rowsin the table also depends on the strength of the RAM of the device.

  • DifficultApplication Development

End-user application development is alittle bit difficult because it requires technical expertise. App developmentand scriptwriting require someone who has good knowledge of SQL. To overcomethis issue, the enterprise needs to hire professional developers or to traintheir existing employs

  • Require MuchExtra Purchase

At first, QlikView is affordable when compared to otherBusiness Intelligence giants like congos; small –scale enterprises still findit pricey. Along with its base price, it demands a lot of extra purchases. Thismakes many small or even medium businesses switch to other affordable BI tools.

  • Embedding

IntegratingQlikview with other software might seem a little odd as it has the verydistinct appearance.

Qlikview For Mac


Qlikview For Mac Versions


QlikviewDashboard is basically a sheet or document that consists of different types ofsheet objects that contain the data loaded into the QlikView script duringloading. For example, a movie database will want to get the best possibleinformation using QlikView tools.

MacQlikview For Mac

How to create Dashboard in QlikView?

  1. Open the QlikView app.
  2. Click on New file.
  • Provide the path where your file is saved. Click on Browse for thepath.
  • Click on Next.
  • Choose option Usecolumn header from the data file. Clickon Next.
  • Give the file name. Click on Next.
  • Select the Chart type. Click on Next.
  • Choose options from Dimensionor Expression. Click on Next.
  • And then click on Create.
  1. Whenwe click on Create, then Dashboardwill look like this.