Fluid Mask 3 for Win/Mac Type Graphics & Publishing Version Standard Operating Systems Supported Windows & Mac OS System Requirements Mac OS X 10.4.11, 10.5.8 and 10.6.3 or later (Mac Only) Windows XP SP3, Vista SP1 or Windows 7 (Windows Only) 1 GHz Processor (Dual Core for 40% boost) 512MB RAM CD ROM Drive Web or Email Access Used as a plug-in. Fluid Mask 3 lets you extract the true character of an image - fast! Complicated images are a thing of the past; make super fine mask selections and apply the most powerful blending algorithms for truly professional results Fantastic Results Professional super fine mask selections mean complex hair blending is a breeze, delivering fantastic. Fluid Mask 3 is designed for photographers, image editors, graphic designers and all those who take digital image editing seriously. In a streamlined interface and workflow, Fluid Mask 3 instantly shows key edges in the image and provides comprehensive easy to use tools that work with difficult-to-see edges and tricky areas like trees & lattices.It is reviewed here by regular contributor. Fluid Mask 3 is completely compatible with Mac OSX and Windows. Delivered as an instant download, together with your serial number, after completing your. Includes free updates within the Fluid Mask version 3.x series.

Vertus Fluid Mask – is the tool highest digital image used to cut objects from its origins by adapting techniques that mimic the way the human eye and brain see edges and objects. The software identifies the outline of different colors, textures and tones, and separated into individual pieces as puzzles. Each piece can be selected individually or in groups, making cutting and masking are simple. Using this innovative technology, Fluid Mask enables the fastest and most accurate on the market cuts.
Fluid Mask For Mac Osx

Fantastic results – Now professional results are more possible than ever. Make super fine mask selections using new sampling and selecting tools. Check out the new algorithms blend edges. And the complex mixture of new hair that automatically gets great results from multi-colored whispy hair. Should no longer be the nightmare hair cutting is today.
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Fluid Mask For Mac Mojave

Faster than ever – not only time image processing has been dramatically reduced but we have concentrated on speeding up workflow. Check out features like saving the workspace configuration from one to the next image to execute studio shot; And our new Patch technology with its intuitive tool for working in areas of difficult problems with compression artifact, poor edges and complicated backgrounds.
In an interface and an optimized work flow, Fluid Mask 3 instantly shows key edges in the image and provides comprehensive easy to use tools that work with difficult areas like trees and lattices difficult to see and edges.
Fluid Mask promises:
• The mascarado fastest available today – from loading to the final cut. Turn hours of tedious into something that is short to complete and fun to do … work
• The best cutting edge technology available.
• Quick and easy to pick up, Fluid Mask 3 offers an intuitive workflow. Check out the edge guides that makes selecting the cut as easy as color by numbers and interactive help always visible.
• Quality amazing edge. Ever he thought that the pen tool makes cuts seem a little artificial and clean? Now Fluid Mask 3 carries the mixture to a new level data retaining edge. In the final result, the natural edge blur and contour is preserved for the best and most authentic all time cuts.
Fluid Mask For Mac
New features in V3
• Detection and blend edges located – for a workflow faster
• Initial processing of images faster – up to 40%
• Best mix of edges
• New application aspect – Full / screen without visible desktop
• Locate problem areas to improve workflow
• New tools for selections of masks
• Best of breed Help – now there’s an innovative in-application Tool Tips box with links to application based xml help files and tutorials